HOA Information

Every property owner in our neighborhood is a member of Forrest Farm Association, Inc. 
The association has two primary purposes:
1) To provide for maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residential lots and the Association common area property within the Forrest Farm Subdivision.
2) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents within Forrest Farm.
Governing Documents
At the time of settlement, owners should all receive a complete set of the association documents and a copy of the current budget.  This is required by the Maryland Homeowner's Association Act.  If this did not occur, please contact your Realtor or closing agent.  Most of this information is also available on this web site under the Documentation tab. 
Articles of Incorporation
Defines the corporation, its purpose, membership, and the Board of Directors (BOD).
Specifies meetings, duties of the BOD and Officers, committees, records, assessments, and indemnification.
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
Defines the Architectural Committee, developer, development period, and structures.

Establishes property rights, membership and voting rights, assessments, owner maintenance, architectural control, and restrictions on lots.
Common Areas
All property owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners/Residents living in the community.
The Common Area shall include all roads, streets and parking areas within the Property unless they are dedicated to the County or State for public use.
Roles and Responsibilities
Every Owner of a Lot which is subject to assessment by the Association shall be a member of the Association.

The Owner of each Lot shall keep the Lot, and all improvements thereon, in good order and repair, in a manner and with such frequency as is consistent with good property management and maintenance practices.
Roles and Responsibilities
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a five-member Board of Directors.  One Director is elected yearly.
Adopt and publish reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Area and facilities and the personal conduct of the Members and their guests thereon, and to establish penalties for infractions.
Set the amount of the annual assessment.
Cause the Common Area to be maintained.
Establish, levy, assess and collect all assessments.
Management Agent
The Board of Directors shall have power to Employ a manager as they deem necessary and to prescribe their duties.